Thursday, 26 February 2015
1 -2:48 to 3:00                                                                                                                                              Two-the for care given program has under ground savor major revision according the new rules is now option for care given  to live  with their employers .                                                                                         2-4:02 to 3:00                                                                                                                                              three changes in the citizenship backed begging this year the government has increased the application fees for Canadian citizen ship to FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS per adult applicant .                           3-7:  08 to 7:15                                                                                                                                           We are doing this because has order to do lines on your self we were respected the decision and not agree  with them according to the minister .

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Step1 from57 to1,20 . There are two steps in the express entry process.step one. create your online profile your express entry profile provides.the covermment of Canada with details about your skills wot
rk experince ,language ability education and other rovelent information your profile is valid for 12 months.      2- Step 2  from 1,27 to 1,38 .You will need to regesister with the covermment of Canadas job bank unless you already have avalid job offer from an employed in Canada or a provinccial temitorial  nomination .             3-Step 3 from 2,10 to 2,18                                                                                                                         points will be awarded for education ,work experince, language skills ,and other factors that lead to success in Canada.

Monday, 23 February 2015

hi MR .JOSEF last week  i could not in the class and i didn't come with you but i  sure want come another time when we go to skying